Friday, October 28, 2011

What the hell happened?

I dropped off the face of the planet, I realize. After returning from Vancouver Craft Beer Week in May I sat down and wrote a huge post, filled with pictures and stories of a wonderful experience...I was in the zone! Hands down the best post I had written so far. The day after posting I went back to read it again and correct any spelling/grammar errors I had missed only to discover...the entire god damn post was GONE! Everything. Blogger dumped my favourite post in what I can only assume was a horrible glitch in the matrix. A small portion of it was saved in a draft, but literally only half of the first paragraph. I was pissed, and no matter how many times I tried to rewrite it, I couldn't for the life of me muster up the inspiration I had going the first time. Everything I wrote came out flat and lifeless. So I stopped...

...I didn't stop drinking beer though, and I have the squishy belly to prove it. I enjoyed my summer, some might say a little too much. Who the hell are they I say.

Towards the end of the summer a wave of new beers from all over started to show up. The summer of aggressive IPA's was over, and my taste buds had opened up to an array of new flavours. Dark malty beer was starting to taste better, comforting even. ESB's over IPA's. Barrel aged porters and stouts, viscous and rich in dried fruit notes. Even mind blowing sour beers made an appearance once and a while...not often enough in my opinion. But it was the Saison that swept me off my feet. The first being Brooklyn's Sorachi Ace, which I was honestly not prepared for. I savoured my modest sample, having to share the bottle with three other people. I couldn't stop thinking about it. While in Vancouver I had stumbled upon Driftwood Brewery's Farmhand Ale on tap and was in love. Birrifico del Ducato Nuova Mattina all the way from Italy was another winner, along with the rest of their beers. Most recently I picked up a Bottle of Muskoka Brewery's seasonal Harvest Ale, a dangerously drinkable hoppy rendition to the style. I bought two bottles so I could cellar one and see how it ages.

That about sums it up for now. I'll try to be more present from here on.

Now some photos from VCBW until now! Enjoy!