Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Meat Beer Rock & Roll

The first day of summer brought us sweltering 30 degrees and thick humidity.  Summer brings joyful days spent in the backyard with family and friends enjoying the best things of the season (in my opinion) : BBQ, Beer, and Rock & Roll.  Slaving in front of a blazing grill doesn't seem all that bad when the stereo is cranked and the beer is cold.  Good company, of course, is always a welcomed plus.  So it's no surprise when that when times are enjoyable, the beer flows extra liberally.

Our almost daily trips to the beer store has brought to my attention some extremely enjoyable summer beers.  After a week or two of consistent drinking, they all tend to blend together in the ol'memory box, but their are a few that still stand out.  Talking about them all in detail would be lengthy, and frankly I don't have the memory to recall all of the details.

BrewDog Zeitgeist : This black lager hails all the way from Scotland.  BrewDog is Scotland's largest independent brewery started by two young friends looking for flavorful beer.  These guys produce some pretty hefty beer with massive flavor profiles and elevated alcohol content.  Their latest release called "Sink the Bismark IPA" packs a devastating 41% ABV content.  The Zeitgeist has a modest 4.9% ABV, but it's full of rich toffee like flavor. It's on the sweet side of things but it's still crisp, refreshing and delicious.  Think of liquid carbonated Tootsie Rolls.  Not selling it for you?  Try it out for yourself.

Red Racer IPA : I couldn't not talk about this wonderful creation.  I've been consuming many cans of this myself, and raving about it to anyone who will listen, so much so I feel I should receive some sort of compensation for my hard work and dedication.  Will work for beer, just putting it out there.  Central City Brewing from Surrey BC has brewed up a huge IPA packed to the ears with citrusy floral hops.  Its hazy rust orange body coats the mouth, rich flavorful malts and immense in you face bitter bite.  I've come to terms with the fact that it might not be for everyone, but I for one cannot get enough. Hook it to my veins!

Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA : Dogfish Brewing has a thirst for extreme beer.  Nothing they produce is "normal" by current popular standards.  The 60 Minute IPA is their flagship beer from what I can tell.  Despite being constantly hopped on a 60 minute boil, this beer is well balanced.  The hops aren't to extreme, and the flavor is well rounded.  A crisp and medium body, it's a perfect fit between you and your BBQ.  I pray to the beer gods we see some of the 90 Minute IPA, and even more so the 120 Minute IPA.  Unfortunelty for us in Alberta, at this time the chances are slim to none.

Chatoe Rogue First Growth OREgasmic Ale : These Chatoe Rogue beers are spectacular.  I picked up the Single Malt Ale a while back and it blew my mind.  The OREgasmic ale doesn't disappoint either.  A very ambitious line of beers these guys have produced, using ingredients grown on Rogue's very own micro hop and barely farms.  This beer is a deep amber color, rich in flavor with an exciting hop hit to be expected from any Rogue Brewing product.  I recommend any of the Chatoe Rogue beers, and also suggest buying them up before they are all gone.

Pike Pale Ale : Pike Brewing Company from Seattle Washington has produced a line of extremely enjoyable beers.  I've tried their IPA (quite nice), but the last couple of days have seen a few of the Pale Ale's go down with ease.  It seems to be modeled after the traditional English style Pale Ale with deep colored crystal and munich malts and big American and European Hop blends. Overall a bit on the watery side of medium body, but still flavorful with a pleasant hoppy touch.  Easy drinking, for you and your guests.

Victoria Bitter : While not the best beer in the world by far and in no way craft brew, it's an easy drinking crowd pleaser.  A play it safe lager not big in any of the real beer flavors that might not agree with everyone at the party (We are in Molson country remember), but not terrible enough to deter a thirsty beer geek from drinking away.  I was pleased with the sweet/bitter balance, but flavor wise it was watery and week.  Not something I would personally go out and buy for myself, but if someone offered me one I wouldn't say no.

Stay tuned for more summer rambles and suggestions. Have a good summer!

Also in the news, Alley Kat Cask Ale Night at The Sugarbowl this Thursday June 24th.  One cask conditioned version of an American Style Steam Beer.  Cask is tapped at 5pm, be there early to get your taste or you will miss out.


  1. Actually, we get 90 minute here. At least we used to. I haven't looked for it recently.

  2. I know it was here a while ago, but recently someone told me we probably weren't going to see it again. Dogfish has done some pretty extensive expansion of the brewery, and I'm hopeful they'll be able to send more up north. I'll be watching the shelves.

  3. I hope we see it again. It's quite a nice beer. Maybe along with 120min? That stuff is quite tasty and frighteningly drinkable.

  4. I hope you get 90 min fresh-ish. I've had it four times now at different places. Twice it has been a deeply sexy brew, brimming with hops and zest. Twice it has been muddy and flat. I am fairly sure age and storage conditions are quite cruel to this beer...
