Tonight is an exciting night. I happened to get out of the restaurant early and rushed home in the mood to drink and write. I've been stocking my fridge with frosty delights to keep the writings interesting and tonight I had one picked out before I even opened the door. In my last post I had mentioned how I love hops, and had asked for some hoppy IPA suggestions. Unfortunately I couldn't track down any of the beer I was told would most likely tickle my fancy, but I did pick up something that I thought might do the trick. I grabbed myself a bottle of Tree Brewing Company's "Hop Head Double IPA." A limited addition Unfiltered Double IPA. I was stoked to drink this giant bottle of bitter strong beer. So tonight I get home, pull this bad boy out of the fridge to warm up a bit and browse the beer ramblings on the interweb before cracking the bottle when I came across some info on Alley Kat's new 15th Anniversary Smoked Porter. And the sleepy hamster in my head began to run.....
You see I love the flavor of smoke. I have a borderline obsession with smoked things. And recently acquiring my father's Bradley Smoker on loan, I've been eagerly smoking my dinners hoping to refine my pit master skills. It wasn't long ago that I caught wind of the fantastic conception of smoking your malts, and brewing god damn beer out of it! Genius concept! But up until tonight I hadn't really had the chance to experience this clearly brilliant brew.
Now, having read about Alley Kat's limited one time offering (only 250 cases available) I had to get some, and I had to get it right NOW! So I got on the horn to my local, and truly fantastic beer store Sherbrooke Liquor (running I believe 681 beers from around the world), and inquired about the availability of said brew. I was so amped to hear they had it in stock, and rushed down to buy some before they were all gone. Because in my mind, they were flying off the shelf and I'd have to be a retard not to buy it at this very moment. I was relieved to see probably twenty or so bottles sitting on the shelf and convinced myself to buy only one so that I could also pick up a bottle of Chatoe Rogue's First Growth Single Malt Ale.
For this beer Alley Kat smokes the malts in house using applewood, a mild and sweet smoke compared to other heavy hard wood like mesquite or hickory. At first glance it looks reasonable, with a very cold coffee like color and consistency. I'm going to have to drink a lot more porters to compare and it's probably just inexperience talking, but I've come to expect a heavier body from most porters. But what do I know. The head is of larger bubbles that fade quickly, but will arise very nicely with some agitation.
It smells nice and sweet, very malty with a full nose of coffee and a hint of bittersweet chocolate. I'm getting some fruit....something but I can't narrow it down. I was hoping for more smoke to come through, but sadly it's extremely muted in the background. I get more wet charred wood than smoke. Like a dead campfire in the morning. If anyone has ever experienced Lapsang Souchong tea, you'll have a good idea of what I was expecting...or what I was looking for in a smoked beer. Mabey one day it will happen. Mabey that is my destiny in beer brewing.
On the tongue its mild, and on the thin side of medium. It has a pleasant roasted malt sweetness that lingers on the very tip of your tongue and a very subdued bitter. The smoke shows its face more here, but for me not until the very end once the flavor of the malts dissipate. It's kinda neat how it shows up actually, almost when you've given up you'll feel it crawl from the back of your throat and slowly make it's way up. Suddenly the flavor of the smoke really shines through, and your left with a dry campfire taste enveloping your tongue. Towards the end of the bottle its very evident that you are drinking a smoked beer as a strange tacky sensation lingers, a finish very similar to that of the Lapsang Souchong.
In the end I'd have to say this particular brew was enjoyable, and an experience. Alley Kat has produced a smoked beer which is both gratifying and drinkable. I will definitely pick up another bottle of this to share with guests, or drink while I am tending the smoker or BBQ. Overall I was expecting more from this smokey affair, but I was not left disappointed. I will continue to explore the world of smoked beers, and mabey one day brew something that I can be proud of as I'm sure Alley Kat is proud of this. Happy Anniversary Alley Kat, and many more to come! Cheers!
I saw a very inspiring promo video that I wanted to share for the upcoming first ever Vancouver Craft Beer Week being held in various venues around the beautiful city of Vancouver showcasing over 25 of BC's talented craft breweries. I pray to the beer gods that Edmonton, or even Calgary will hold an event as important to the industry as this one. It damn near brings a tear to the eye. Enjoy!
"Pride is more payment than any money you can make"
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